In the anime adaptation, Yuno is voiced by Tomosa Murata in Japanese, and by Brina Palencia in the English version. By working together with his Random Diary, they are able to solve their diaries' weaknesses. As the Second Diary Holder, Yuno's Future Diary is the Yukiteru Diary ( 雪輝日記, Yukiteru Nikki ), a stalker diary that gives her explicit details on whatever Yuki is doing in the present 10 minutes. īoth she and Yuki are chosen by Deus Ex Machina, the God of Time and Space, as participants of the Diary Game, a deadly battle royal between them and ten other individuals who are given Future Diaries, special diaries that can predict the future, with the last survivor becoming Deus' heir. In the series, Yuno pretends to be a perfect model student on the surface, but is actually a borderline yandere who is obsessed with the main male protagonist Yukiteru Amano, and kills unhesitatingly to protect him. Yuno Gasai ( 我妻 由乃, Gasai Yuno) is a fictional character and the main female protagonist of the manga series Future Diary, created by Sakae Esuno. Future Diary chapter 1: 'Future Diary' ( 未来日記, Mirai Nikki ) (2006)